Tuesday, October 20, 2009

These Days...

Are filled with the unexpected. Many of us walk down the streets of New York, avoiding eye contact and holding our belongings tightly. It's as if there are constant fear bubbles floating all around us. And then...there are those unexpected moments...

If you are not careful you will miss them.

I don't want to miss them. So. I am going to 'jot them down'...here.


Female violinist street performer played with extreme enthusiasm and an Asian American child began to dance. They communicated through song and movement. The crowd took notice. I smiled:)

Once I stepped off the train I saw two, very tiny, Asian American women walking and talking arm and arm like young school girls. Smiled again:)


As I walk to the train in the mornings I try to remember to pray for my family, friends, and the world. I realized that every time I walk by Ace Hardware Store I feel safe. Why? There is something about it that makes me think of my grandfather...and I feel safe when I see those men each morning.

Close to the stop I see the 'fruit man' setting up his stand. Today he was singing, "Goodmorning...goodmorning...goodmorning." Those moments of unexpected song fill the air with childlike spirit and remind us to breathe. Thank you fruit man.

And then as I walked into my building the door man asked (very brotherly), "How are you liking your job up there?" I answered, "Oh I like it alot!" He replied, "Good," as he nodded his head in approval. It was as if had I not liked it he would have gone straight up to the 24th floor and done something about it:)

...more to come

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